Križanke International Art Colony



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Mednarodna likovna kolonija Križanke
Trg francoske revolucije 1, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 241 6000

The Križanke International Art Colony was established in 1998 and is run by the Festival Ljubljana Public Institute. Every year, Tomo Vran, a painter and artistic director selects eight painters (four Slovene and four international) who create new works at the summer festival outdoor venue in Križanke, with performing arts events also being an inspiration for the colony's participants. Completed works are exhibited at the so called Knight's Hall at Križanke until the Ljubljana Festival is over.

Many renowned (among them Manuel Chabrera, Renate Christin, Mojca Zlokarnik, Vesna Čadež, Lojze Logar, France Slana, etc) have already participated in this traditional colony, one of the few such ones that emerged in an urban environment.

Selected works from past colonies remain in the Ljubljana Festival Collection, with the colonies sometimes followed by a touring exhibition in Slovenia and abroad (in 2007 at Kunststation in Kleinsassen, Germany).

See also

External link

Mednarodna likovna kolonija Križanke +
Mednarodna likovna kolonija Križanke +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Trg francoske revolucije 1 +
The Križanke International Art Colony was established in 1998 and is run by the Festival Ljubljana Public Institute. +
+386 / 1 241 6000 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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